SAMAVESHA: Taken Over by the Power of the Goddess

SAMAVESHA: Taken Over by the Power of the Goddess

We honour the teacher and lineage under which this work unfolds and found its way as that ever renewing stream of knowledge which flows unimpededly here, from master to master, from time immemorial. We acknowledge this precious lineage under which we all partake from and are guarded by once we have connected to the energy of this work. As Vamadeva has encouraged, “everyone who has been touched by this work, has resonance with this work, is free to form whatever relationship they consider to be fit… It’s enough that your heart vibrates. So therefore, there’s always the innermost heart – and then there are these spheres of that heart. Wherever one finds oneself, at whatever strata of the periphery of that, as long as you still feel the frequency, the warmth, you are part of that sangha“.

And as the reach of this resonance expands from where it arises, a deeper call emerges, unmistakable in its purpose. Where the order has been of service, service to humanity and to the rest of creation of which we are the keepers. And out of this sacrifice of the self, at whatever level, an alchemical process takes place. Here both, individually and on the collective levels, the poured intent, vibrating with such intensity, would only burst forth in its uncontainable somatic glory – familiar to anyone who has come face to face with what an authentic act of awakening represents – as the rich display known in this work as samavesha-kriya.

The phenomenon of samavesha-kriya is not unique to this work, but a known world-wide phenomenon, that which spontaneously and most naturally occurs and signifies that a most sacred process has been enacted within the body. That said, the degree to which this phenomena expresses itself through the participants at the immersions throughout the years is so extraordinarily complex and varied, one would be hard-pressed to find any comparative level of these not only involuntary and spontaneous, but often precisely orchestrated movements through the hand of archetypal forces, observed elsewhere.

Though routinely considered as a byproduct within the deep pockets of spirituality where authentic awakenings were taking place, the significance of these samavesha-kriya cannot be ignored in this time and place when the topic of spirituality and awakening has been all too commonplace, leading to a sterilised version of what it actually represents, where identification with the awareness alone deems one fit enough to have achieved the heights of knowing reality as it is; yet, all the masters knew this not to be the case and that an alchemical transmutation on the cellular level must be undergone in order for any qualitative shift in consciousness to truly take place.

Herein is a documentation of these samavesha-kriya taking their manifestation of various mudras, asanas, pranayama, glossolalia, shaking, trembling – all that which serve as the hallmark of what this process entails.

Let your being unwind… and may this Song of the Sibyl accompany you as you scroll through these magnanimous displays of the goddess in her expressive forms using the human body and its nervous system as that most precise and harmonic instrument through which it plays all of its melodies and movements.

Enlivened into language, she speaks 
In endlessly elusive enigma.
A chorusing cipher, coursing through the cells
Seizing with a sweep of familiar breath
All wary and daring into her oceanic body
To be untied in her full spectrum of tongues
inflecting into waves of sonorous synchronicity 
and symphonic stillness.

Slipped in silently through the incipient crack
a shift in ambience making her presence known 
to initiate a meeting at the gate of intimate anticipation

In the widening gap
she begins her kaleidoscopic unveiling  
a stir, a shake, a sudden turn,
moving in seamless graduation
into spontaneous performance
of fiercely radiant reflections

Immersed in her relentlessly captivating brilliance, 
in the sea of her soothing hums and piercing wails 
the raw taste of beauty
is embraced with ecstatic marvel 
as calcified nodes soften into cathartic release

And yet, in her ever evolving, ever refining nature
she demands attunement,
the culturing of a discerning palate 
to know the flavour of her supremely subtle essence

Until, she takes over 
Over and over

Repossessing all concealed aspects with unthinkable precision 
into her revelatory body of pristine constellation

Breath merges into a surging frequency of sound  
penetrating the innermost depth of the Heart
to extend her healing touch. 

Perhaps a distinction should be made here between the phenomenon commonly known as glossolalia and other similar vocal sounds, which can be seen as forms of release or deeper purification, and what uniquely takes place as these particular harmonisations, vocalisations and over-toning in these containers known as ‘immersions’, the terminology itself alluding to the highly cherished Tantric concept known as Samavesha, or absorption into the divine body of the Goddess. Much more is spoken on this rarely spoken about topic in the following video excerpt, taken from a recent online darshan, entitled, “What Is at the Heart of This Work? Samavesha’s Healing & Transformative Power”.

What this truly entails has yet to reveal itself, but this is unprecedented in terms of the levels of coherence that are able to be observed and witnessed here. These songs span from the time when they first arrived in 2014, when Igor introduced certain methodological aspects into the programmes, all the way to present day, without fail at every single immersion. Below is a selected collection of these sounds, being launched in unison with and in honour of our dear teacher’s birthday on our new platform as the Sound of a New Goddess so that others may partake in the resonance of these harmonies, having revealed themselves under his auspices.

God willing, may these songs continue to be sung through those offering themselves fully into the grace of the goddess, as we continue to grow this playlist with further and future unfoldment of the unexpected and ancient way that this song has made itself heard throughout the ages, eager to be borne.

These sounds are rare involuntary samavesha-kriya spontaneously manifesting as synchronised overtone singing and humming in a state of deep trance, recorded during the Shaktipat (transmission) based meditation. To view the full list of audio tracks, activate the scroll function within the audio player by swiping down within the track list.


Photos taken at various Immersions held by Igor Vamadeva in Europe and N. America, 2016-2024. Courtesy of Flowing Wakefulness.


  1. Still a mystery it is.
    The many roads taken,
    before the invisible line emerged out of the depth.

    Made itself seen through the word spoken. The gentle touch.
    Reconfirming the longing, ever-present within.

    From dancing Ogers to the sweet scent of sandalwood,
    oh all the shades love can entail.
    Fierce, tough, provoking – and the most tender at once.

    Is the heart vast enough to feel all this love?
    It grows every day, knowing to be guided by the one who has the vasted of all.

    Bowing down to you, dearest Master.
    To all that you give. To all that you are.
    May you and your dearest always be protected. Safe and at peace.

    May your light reach all the corners,
    and open the cracks.
    To bring back the pendulum swing
    into its rhythm of purest divine.

    Jai Guru Dev 🙏🏽

  2. Dearest Vamadeva,
    what a grace it is for me to meet you and to encounter your love and to be able to discover and feel it anew every day. For me, this is like a miracle, something wonderful!

    To be able to walk and experience the path of awakening with your guidance and inspiration is and remains an infinite enrichment for my life and the Sangha.

    Connected with you, to recognize how, step by step, the longing in my innermost heart is fulfilled is a gift. May I one day be able to pass this gift on and help other people with it.

    Even today I am not able to put the feelings, sensations and experiences into suitable words.

    Dearest Master, I bow to you in deep humility.
    For what you are, for what you give.
    May you and your loved ones be protected forever and live in peace and safe.

    May your love and your light reach all living beings.
    May your love and your light contribute to a more peaceful world.

    Jai Guru Dev 🙏🏽

  3. The mystery forever eludes me. All the sounds and kriyas are coming through me yet I am not choosing them . It is as if the Divine is moving within me and all I want to do is surrender.
    With gratitude, a hum and a quiver.