Foundational Videos
What This Path Is All About
In this clip, Igor Kufayev speaks to the prophetic call voiced over a century ago by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and how it squarely relates to the very premises of this work and why it serves as an antidote to the zeitgeist of nihilism which has pervaded all facets of modern society, including spirituality itself. Recorded in Gut Saunstorf, Germany, June 2023.
Pure Awareness, Field of Shakti, & Individual Means
Alluding to classical approaches (Upayas in Sanskrit), Igor introduces the essential nature and main tenets of this path. Delivered at a Free Online Q&A Session to provide greater insight into this transformative work in the context of live programs called Immersions. Mallorca, March 2022
Neuro-Physiological Basis of Enlightenment: The Body as an Instrument of Consciousness
Having set the stage in Part 1, Igor Kufayev develops the theme of Tantric philosophy explaining that human life is divine and an expression of the totality where the absolute and the relative are resolved, inviting the viewer to a Realisation of their own. A discourse from an Immersion at Kurhaus Kirchzarten, Germany, October 2019.
Re-Possession, Authenticity Culminating in Samavesha
In this profound discourse, Igor Kufayev speaks to the importance of enlivening the Antahkarana before proceeding to delve into the nature of Samavesha, enumerating its triple-fold aspects of immersion, possession and penetration by drawing parallels with the role of performance in Indian culture. Recorded at Gut Saunstorf – Place of Stillness, Germany, August 2024.
Interviews & Dialogues
Being, Beauty, Advaita Tantra, Possession & Kundalini: An Interview with Potential Paradigms
In this wide-ranging interview, conducted in collaboration with The Potential Paradigms Show, Igor Kufayev discusses a range of topics, including beauty as a path to transformation, the esoteric concept of Spanda in Kashmir Shaivism, the ascent and descent of Kundalini, and the role of devotion on the spiritual path. Mallorca, Spain, April 2024.
Beyond Sadhana: Igor Kufayev’s Journey of Self-Realisation | An Intimate Interview
In this intimate and revelatory interview, Igor Kufayev provides a compelling first-hand account of his spiritual awakening, detailing the progressive stages of its unfoldment and the challenges accompanying the awakening process. Tepoztlán, Mexico, December 2023.
Yoga Aktuell Magazine - The Hidden Path
Interview with Nina Haisken, Oct/Nov 2023 issue
Alexander Dugin, Liberal Democracy & Great Reset – Michael Millerman & Igor Kufayev in Conversation
Spiritual Teacher Igor Kufayev and Philosopher Michael Millerman discuss deeper dimensions of what informs the cultural landscape we find ourselves in—largely defined by the bankruptcy of ideologies and the resultant vacuum of real ideas that could serve to anchor and unite collective purpose—probing questions as to what can potentially restore intrinsic meaning & value to human life, hence the world we live in. August 2022.
The End of Philosophy as We Know It – A Conversation with Bernardo Kastrup and Igor Kufayev
In this conversation with spiritual teacher Igor Kufayev and philosopher/scientist Bernardo Kastrup, they discuss the import of living in the current times we are in, namely one marked by the disintegration of collective values and structures, and what is required of us to navigate this uncharted territory. July 2022.
Perpetual Sense of Being | LIVING TRANSCENDENCE Interview with Amir Freimann
In this video Igor Kufayev is being interviewed by Amir Freimann for his PhD thesis through the University of Haifa, entitled “Living Transcendence: A Phenomenological Study of Spiritual Exemplars”. For his thesis, Freimann was referred to a number of individuals, who were described as “living transcendence” in their daily life. August 2020.
Piercing the Veil – Interview with Igor Kufayev
In this in-depth interview, based on the questions from the students, Igor speaks on various topics; on heart-to-heart transmission, on the importance of Kundalini, on the line between shift in Consciousness and mystical experiences, on Awakening vs Self-Realization, on challenges of working with those who have been on the path for decades, on how he came to guide others, on the ‘Satsang Movement’, on The Divine Feminine and role of initiation, and more. August 2017.
Spanda, Quantum Physics, and the Role of the Teacher
Interview with Jacob Kyle for Chitheads, EMBODIED PHILOSOPHY. April 2017.
Awakening Together Satsang
Interview with Jay McCormick. October 2017.
KUNDALINI: Defining the Undefinable
In conversation with Igor Kufayev. An excerpt from the interview on Kundalini, Kriyas & the Path of the Heart, Mallorca, November 2016. A concise version has been published under the title “Spontaneous Yoga – Touched by Grace” by Igor Kufayev, ‘Yoga Aktuell’ Germany, February/March edition 2017.
The Path of Beauty is the Path of the Heart
Interview with Igor Kufayev for Yoga Aktuell magazine, Germany. Part 2, November 2016.
Igor Kufayev – 'The Impact Of Awakening' Interview by Iain McNay
Interview with Ian McNay from ConsciousTV. Sept 2013.
Igor Kufayev – 'Flowing Wakefulness' Interview by Renate McNay
Interview with Renata McNay from ConsciousTV. Sept 2013.
Buddha at the Gas Pump
Transcription of the First Interview with Rick Archer – Part 1. March 2012
Buddha at the Gas Pump
Transcription of the Second Interview with Rick Archer – Part 2. June 2012

“…The emphasis is on the divine essence of human existence in all its attributes as an expression of the Totality. These methodologies aim at appeasing polarised forces to embrace that totality directly through an embodied human experience. Known as the union of the Absolute and Relative aspects of Awareness as merging of a fully awakened individual and universal Consciousness; with the refinement of perception as a byproduct, to quench that existential thirst by partaking in the essence of one’s immortality…”
—Igor Kufayev
Signature Courses
Published Essays & Articles
Kundalini: Defining the Undefinable
Published in Watkins Body Mind Spirit Magazine, 2022
Camatkāra - The Hidden Path of Tantra
Adapted from discourses at the immersion in Assisi, Italy, Sept 2018.
HUMAN BEING – Transcendence or Psychosis
Adopted from transcription of the discourse given at the immersion “Human Being: The Gate, the Altar and the Offering” in Belgium, February 2017
Origins of Yoga
Translated into German language for “Yoga Aktuell” magazine, February / March edition, 2017
Why would I need a Teacher if I have the Inner Guru?
Oxfordshire, UK, July 2018
Vibrant Self
Published in its original version in “Namarupa – Categories of Indian Thought”, 2014. Translated into Dutch language for “InZicht” magazine dedicated to Non-Duality and radical Self-inquiry, 2014
The World Is as You See It
Published in its original version in “Namarupa – Categories of Indian Thought”, the Summer Issue, 2013 . Translated into Dutch language for “InZicht” magazine dedicated to Non-Duality and radical Self-inquiry, 2013