
The Source of Ultimate Knowledge, Power & Joy

A groundbreaking, pre-recorded 11-part online course with Igor Kufayev

kundalini course

A Welcome Note From Igor Kufayev

Course Introduction

Dear Friend,

Being able to relate something which is not short of the most precious realisation any human being can have is a pure joy, which makes this into a truly worthwhile undertaking. And when it comes to that realisation, there is nothing that takes place outside of the domain of Kundalini. Long gone is the time when information on Kundalini was scarce and limited to selected publications known to insiders and scholars alike. Contrary to that, the internet is flooded with readymade references, lengthy articles, classical and clinical perspectives, and personal accounts, including a variety of assessments on the importance of what it is, but there is still no coherent view on what this power represents. And although Kundalini is no longer an exotic term shrouded in mystery, it is possibly the one and only word that unites all true spiritual breakthroughs across the variety of cultures throughout the ages.

Although Kundalini has firmly entered the vernacular of many languages, and despite being one of the most well known of spiritual processes, the term still remains ambiguous if not largely misunderstood, and is often misinterpreted or even dismissed in certain spiritual circles today. Some of these perspectives are biased by a lack of understanding of what the term represents in its full measure, but the reason for the often conflicting views is rooted in the complexity of the process—of how it manifests itself in terms of the bio-energetic field of the body, as well as the deeply personal nature of experiences. Another reason that the Kundalini concept turns to quicksilver, is that it represents our soul’s potential—that which animates all our experiences—and as consciousness, it cannot be reduced to an object of observation. Being the power which illumines all our feelings, thoughts, cognitive and motor processes—even as a dormant energy—Kundalini empowers all our perception. When aroused, it brings insight into the greater reality of who we are; and when fully awakened, it acts as the tour de force of spiritual transformation, without which all spiritual wisdom is but another mental concept. Full sublimation of its power consumes the dichotomy of the subject-object dynamic, along with the one who could claim it—what remains is a shimmering field of awareness awake to its own glory.

This is an invitation to partake in the unraveling of life’s greatest mystery, exemplified in consciousness coiled unto itself so as to experience what we call human being at this moment in time of our shared reality.

–Igor Vamadeva Kufayev, Mallorca, April 2021


What is Kundalini?

At the core of human and of all cosmic life is the vibrant force, the quiver at the heart of all creation, emanating as a shimmering luminous ocean of sound, and manifesting as all forms and phenomena. These frequencies, in their varying degrees of vibration, are manifestations of Shakti in its cosmic and individual form. As the ebb and flow on the sea of infinity, these divine pulsations are rhythms of creation and Kundalini is the orchestrating power that moves it all in waves of bliss. And though it is the power that illumines all experiences, there is no way to grasp nor describe its brilliance when it reveals itself in the heart of men as joy personified.

Coiled upon itself, Kundalini is a spiritual energy which animates all processes in the body and all currents of vital energies, on all its levels, whilst residing in the causal body at the base of the spinal column in a self-imposed state of slumber. Often referred to as life force—which remains dormant in most human beings—when aroused it brings about the expansion of awareness, and when awakened, brings radical shifts in perception about one’s essence. It is, at once, consciousness and the kinetic power behind all creative processes, which ultimately expresses itself as human experience.

A Timely Invitation to a Timeless Calling

Why Take This Course?

Are you serious about realizing and living your innermost potential?
Have you experienced the power and potential of Kundalini awakening, but feel stuck or haven’t fully integrated it?

Have you been wondering what the Path of the Sacred Feminine truly means and are longing to actualize your true essence?

In this course you will learn about the sacred power behind the transformation of human consciousness that opens up the possibility to unfold the fullest potential of human birth and live life from Bliss consciousness amidst the affairs of this world! Yet whilst this work is universal and open to all, irrespective of creed, race and gender, only those who are fully committed to their own progress will truly be able to benefit from it. In short, this work is for the householder, the maverick, the artist, the rebel, the pirate, welcome aboard!


What You'll Learn


Historical Perspective

  • Historic overview of the understanding and worship of Shri Kundalini Shakti in different spiritual traditions.
  • Profound knowledge and wisdom of Kundalini expounded on by an adept who experienced an awakening and its subsequent rise to Unity Consciousness firsthand.


Tantric Path & Practice

  • Deep insights into the tantric perspective on life in a human body which allows us to unfold the full human potential.
  • The importance and richness of tantric sadhana and the utilization of various means of Self-realization as outlined in Kashmir Shaiva tantra.
  • Prerequisites of the student of Consciousness and how to progress towards the goal of Self-realization and full embodiment of the Self.


Awakening & Unfolding of Kundalini

  • The role of initiation and shaktipat, also known as the transmission of spiritual energy.
  • Guidance on how to honor and work with the energy of awakening so that the process can unfold in its most graceful and intended manner. Insights and deeper understanding of the anatomy of Spirit to demystify the awakening process and dispel common myths about Kundalini.
  • Deeper meaning of spontaneous yogic processes and the rich phenomena of an authentic awakening process.
  • Insights into different stages of awakening.


Risks, Pitfalls & Dangers During Awakening

  • Profound insights into the “underbelly of awakening:” inflation of the superstructure of the Ego, depersonalization, pathologizing of the process and more.
  • How to avoid common pitfalls and traps in the awakening process.


Kundalini Care

  • Deeper understanding of the process of spiritual unfoldment and what is needed to integrate higher states of consciousness.
  • Practical guidance on what diet, lifestyle and practices are supportive to adjust the intensity of Kundalini awakening and address symptomatology of fatigue, insomnia, restlessness and oversensitivity.
  • For facilitators and instructors, the complexity of the Kundalini awakening process will be addressed from the Yogic and Tantric perspective, supported by personal insights Igor gained through decades of guiding aspirants on the path.

Igor Kufayev

About The Teacher

An artist, Advaita Tantra teacher, and founder of the Flowing Wakefulness Fellowship, for over two decades Igor Kufayev has been serving as a conduit of transmission for awakening towards the new era of heart-centered consciousness. Speaking from direct realization of Oneness, he inspires and initiates the recognition of the fullest potential present in human birth. Many have been touched by grace and awakened in his presence, as he continues working towards building a global community to serve as a container for exploring possibilities for alternative, consciousness-based culture.

Igor has been working with kundalini emergencies and all sorts of aspects of energetic transformation for nearly two decades now, drawing on rich experience of his own process and having guided many on this path of energetic transformation.

Igor’s involvement with sacred tradition expresses itself as non-intellectual, heart-based illumination. It could be said that Igor’s teaching methods are rooted in Advaita Tantra of Kashmir Shaivism. However, having studied such diverse traditions as Vedanta, Tantra, Sufism and Zen for many years, Igor remains elusive to categorisation, maintaining that tradition is not a set of esoteric teachings and techniques, but a vibrant field of energy enlivened in the hearts of those who go through this transformative process firsthand.

Igor emphasises the psycho-physiological nature of the awakening process, pointing to the importance of purification of the nervous system from accumulated stresses, accompanied by major rewiring of neural pathways which awakens dormant areas in brain cortexes. A teacher of immense spiritual experience, Igor facilitates spiritual growth using whatever means best suit the individual student—the degree of their spiritual evolution, readiness and capacity to respond—from energetic transmission to breathwork, mantra work, self-inquiry, and emotional introspection.

Having lived a full life in the world as a successful artist, Igor as a family man is now lovingly raising his three children with his partner Amrita Ma Devi. These skills of bringing the loftiest spiritual teachings into “the marketplace of life” make Igor an exceptional teacher. Igor not only brings the rare ability to initiate others into profound tantric practice, but also safeguards his students through all stages of awakening whilst emphasizing the importance of bringing the teaching where it rightfully belongs—into this body, into one’s relationships and the all-embracing perception of this world.

Igor’s first book, Camatkāra: The Hidden Path, was published in January 2023. Conceived as part of a trilogy with the following two volumes in the making, the work intends to redress and illuminate the role and experience of aesthetic rapture as a subtle pathway between cognitive perception and beatitude, in the present volume. This is followed by the seminal work on Kuṇḍalinī, the ultimate power behind the transformation of consciousness in a continued quest for what it means to be truly human. The series culminates with the work on Samāveśa, the way of immersion into divine consciousness, different aspects of possessions, repossessions, and the age of addiction. This undertaking coincides with the consecration of SONG Publishing, an independent platform to support the dissemination of this perennial teaching.

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Course Modules

How the Course Unfolds

The course was released during the summer of 2021 and now stands complete and undiminished in this recorded form to be savored at your own pace. Each module is at least 2.5 hours long. 

All modules will be available for you to watch in your own time by going to the course page in your membership account.

Module 1

Opening Darshan

Module 2

The Nature of Experience and The Great Triad; Etymology of Kundalini; Three Main Paths as described by Abhinavagupta; Three Aspects of Kundalini

Module 3

Introduction to the Hamsa Meditation; Importance of Breath & Subtle Anatomy; Concept of Kundalini in other cultures and spiritual traditions; The Point of Origination; Kundalini as Consciousness; Importance of Breathing ~ other perspectives; Esoteric Anatomy of the Breath; Proper Ascent versus “Falling” Kundalini

Module 4

The internal dimension of Breath and various Subtle Points; The Essence of Practice – the Junction Points between two Extremes; The Meaning of “coiled within” – Kundalini at “the Base of the Spine”; Introduction to the Process – Kundalini as the Breath in the Body; The Body as a Container to hold the Process; The Gunas and the Importance of Sattva; The Mind as Reflective Quality of Awareness; Reflections based on direct experiences

Module 5

1st Q&A session

Module 6

The Subtle Body – Dwelling Place of Prana-Kundalini; Five Major Pranic Currents; Distribution of Pranic Currents in the Chakras; The Chakras – Wheels of Energy

Module 7

The Real Incentive Behind This Program; Additional notes on Sushumna and some of the Wheels of Energy; How Kundalini rises through the Chakras ~ Deeper Significance of the Central Channel, Wheels & Triangles; Symbolism of the Triangle: The Union of Fire (Knower), Sun (Knowledge), Moon (Known); The Principle Practices to Awaken Kundalini & Unfold Sushumna

Module 8

Can This Knowledge be Applied to Our Times? An Attitude of True Surrender and What it Means; An Overview of the Entire Process; The Ways of Rising & Movements of Kundalini; The Main Ways of Kundalini Rising; Psychic versus Spiritual Experiences; The Shared Consensus on Spiritual Authority and Spiritual Maturity; Involuntary Movements (Kriyas) as Outer and Inner Manifestations of the Process; The Five Phases of Vibration

Module 9

2nd Q&A session

Module 10

Kundalini Care – Main Considerations: Mental, Environmental, Physiological & their Interconnectedness; Ayurveda ~ The Importance of Holistic Approaches and the Systematic Applications of their Methods; The Importance of Lifestyle; Living in Tune with Nature; Soma – The Mythical Substance; The Fullness of Perception

Module 11

3rd Q&A session


In The Words of Others...

The course… it is a work of art… a symphony of spontaneous throb. Life-affirming, succinct, profound, boundless and elemental in its influence. Something to behold with a depth that calls over and over again for visiting, wondering and pondering. A bubbling spring of remembrance. A Road Map For the Brave and Humble…to the Divine…”

—Sharareh, Kundalini Course participant

This course is like ghee, going through everything and feeding, healing all aspects of myself… but Igor has the sweetness of honey, the work of countless little bees working as one, harvesting the nectar of countless flowers. I don’t know how the course might impact others but I know the effects it has on me, how it is rippling through and lifting years of uncertainties and loneliness. Thank you for giving me more years of Life. May they be put to wise and loving use. This is a tool the world and the future has needed: I bow in humble gratitude for bringing it in. Very aware and appreciative of the incredible feat this is at too many levels to cite them all.

—Isis, Kundalini Course participant

When Kundalini started activating in me I was so very lost and confused. The only books I had read containing spirituality were The Bible and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I had no terms, ideas, mantras, and had only been meditating with YouTube videos. Thank you, and God bless you for all that you do. Your course is serious and so profoundly knowledgeable, and a lot of long hard work, but I would never have been learning any of this and that if it weren’t for you. I hold you in my Heart and look forward to many more modules we have yet to discover. Love and Light. So Ham.

—Teresa, Kundalini Course participant

I cannot believe that there is someone in human form who is able to explain the history, spirituality, technicality and everything else related to this complex topic of Kundalini so flawlessly as Igor has.

—Kavi, Kundalini Course participant

I feel a profound change taking place in me through the energy, knowledge, and love of Igor through this Kundalini course. Thank you for sharing all of this so generously!

—Regina, Kundalini Course participant

Understanding allows the terrain to volunteer to release, to sincerely surrender the holdings of what our structures thought themselves to be so that rewiring can take place – I believe I am experiencing this through this course. It has increased my understanding mostly in ways that are deeper than words; ways that my being has been craving for decades, perhaps even from birth.

—Sudha, Kundalini Course participant

I feel truly blessed to find this course and be part of the community. I don’t think I could have gone through this process without Igor’s teaching. I have such an admiration for teachers like Igor who share genuine knowledge on this topic with courage and love coming from their hearts.

—Soojin, Kundalini Course participant

Thank you for putting this course together. I have been waiting for a course like this for a long time and believe it will assist many people on their journeys, including my own.

—Josh, Kundalini Course participant

This course… is like a bell was struck and I am still vibrating in harmony from it and with it, letting it change all the “cellular” structures at each level of existence and expression, harmonising the vessel / fractal back to not just lock back into the original blueprint but the intended future blueprint it is to evolve fluidly from henceforth. Everything I am connected to is sharing the vibe… Thank you precious Igor, and team.

—Isis, Kundalini Course participant

Thank you Igor and the team for the wonderful last 3 months on this journey. So much confirmation of experiences and detail of the process, I’m so grateful to have attended. I look forward to digesting and attending a live immersion . Thank you thank you thank you.

—Nicola, Kundalini Course participant

Thank you so much for your teachings and wisdom, this course has resonated immeasurably and I cannot thank you enough.

—Dominic, Kundalini Course participant

Jai guru Dev. I recognize my teacher in you Igor Kufayev . Eternally grateful for everything, hard to put into words transmission of energy that happens during the kundalini course. The Kundalini course was the best choice I intuitively made.The truth lies in every word you say, and I get more from you than I ever expected. Eternally grateful to Igor and the team.

—Sasenka, Kundalini Course participant

Thank you so much for speaking about this. I experienced the first type of falling kundalini that you spoke of with no knowledge or understanding of kundalini. I am grateful to you for bringing this knowledge to my awareness.

—Cristina, Kundalini Course participant

I feel truly privileged and blessed to be able to participate in this course, and I am forever grateful to Igor for sharing his wisdom and these beautiful teachings.

—Karin, Kundalini Course participant

Thank you for the meeting yesterday, Igor and all, to be together and share the will to understand deeply what is this journey of being human and to experience the beauty and peace that unravels from a true understanding.

—Ale, Kundalini Course participant

Thank you for a spectacular course which when listened to is a transmission in its own right.

—Wendy, Kundalini Course participant

Book Here

When you join the course you’ll receive links to view all the Reflections at leisure during a 1 year period.

Online Course


The Source of Ultimate Knowledge, Power & Joy

Comprehensive 11 Module Program

€495.00 – €740.00

Limited Offer in Partial Scholarships

A limited offer in scholarship is available for those in dire need. If you are subjected to financial hardship to the degree that you feel you are qualified for a reduction of the course fee, please apply below.

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