Darshan & 3-Day Immersion April 2025 in Vienna, Austria

April 18 – April 21, 2025

Taborstraße 71/1a, 1020 Wien
Feldenkrais Institute is centrally located in the 2nd district of Austria’s beautiful capital city Vienna, easily accessible by public transport.

About the Event

The evening darshan and 3-day immersion are bookable separately, you are welcome to come to both or just one. During the Friday evening darshan, there will be only discourse and Q&A.

The energetic meditation is for the following 3-day immersion only. The 3-day immersion is an opportunity to experience the work of Igor Kufayev first-hand in a longer introductory format — which incorporates 6 full meditation sessions — ideal for those unable to attend a longer program.

Immersions with Igor are unique, often life-changing events rooted in the age-old Tantric wisdom teachings aimed at accelerating our innermost potential, through direct guidance by a meditation master. We invite you to experience this for yourself, in the context of this extended weekend event.

Please note, this is a non–residential immersion.

Meals and accommodation are not included.



Evening Darshan

Friday, April 18

18:30 – 21:30   Darshan


Three Day Immersion

Saturday, April 19 – Sunday, April 20

10:00 – 13:00   Darshan & Meditation
13:00 – 15:30   Lunch break
15:30 – 18:30   Darshan, Meditation, Q & A

Monday, April 21

10:00 – 13:00   Darshan & Meditation
13:00 – 15:30   Lunch break
15:30 – 17:30   Darshan, Meditation, Q & A


Guidelines for Newcomers

If you are attending an immersion with Igor for the first time, it is recommended to:

  • take the meditation course “SEEING THROUGH THE HEART: The Vision of Poets & Sages” before attending the immersion. This is to ensure that everyone has a grasp of the meditation methodology used in the program, and that course is a great education in and of itself. You can book that course here: https://igorkufayev.org/product/seeing-through-the-heart/


Covid Policy

In case you are experiencing covid/cold/flu symptoms or feeling unwell we advise you to stay at home. A full credit of the booking fee will be given, with a choice to apply this credit to an offering of your choice, be it an online course or a live immersion.


If you have trouble booking or have any questions regarding this immersion, please contact: events@flowingwakefulness.com

By booking a place at this event, you agree to the participation agreement and refund policy.


Darshan & 3-Day Immersion April 2025 in Vienna, Austria


“I feel that no cell of my body is the same since the Immersion. The long-term effects on my daily life remain to be seen in their full gamut of experience and expression since this is just the beginning of something completely unknown and yet so intimate.   On a very practical level, I observe that less sleep is needed, giving me more time for my sadhana [spiritual practice]. The practice became so dear to me that it feels unbearable when the circumstances do not allow for it. I feel so blessed that all this is happening, quite often expressed in tears of joy”.
Miriam, Immersion Participant, Vienna, March 2024