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SPANDA: The Quiver of the Self-Effulgent Heart

The Wheels of Power and the Five-Fold Nature of Universal Vibration. A 7-module Series of Oral Teachings and Two Guided Tantric Meditations




The Wheels of Power and the Five-Fold Nature of Universal Vibration

A 7-module Series of Oral Teachings and Two Guided Tantric Meditations


This course is a succinct exposition of the teachings delivered in the past ten years, with an emphasis on the Doctrine of Vibration, known as Spanda in the Kashmir Shaiva Tradition. Drawing from its fascinating perspective, the entire manifestation is seen as an outcome of Awareness pulsating in a series of concentric cycles. The outflowing waves of expansion and inward-drawn waves of contraction, moved by the power of its total freedom, Supreme Awareness is carried in the very body in five-fold ways and is at the heart of all experiencing. These cycles symbolize the states of individualized consciousness, ranging from the subtlest most internal and subjective to the grossest most external and objective.

In addition, the course aims to rehabilitate the nature of experience as being an indivisible reality of the Absolute in its modes of Self-expression as the Seer, the Seeing, and the Seen. Illustrated by the main tenets of Trika Shaiva Tantras, these expositions invite the possibility of redressing the notion of Being Human in its truly Cosmic status, along with reevaluating the Earthly plane of manifestation by revising the deeper dimension of the Geocentric perspective from the metaphysical point of view.


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