Keepers of the Light Master Program

June 16-23, 2025

Gut Saunstorf, Place of Stillness — Am Gutspark 1, 23996 Saunstorf

Gut Saunstorf – Place of Stillness, is a modern non-denominational monastery and retreat space, in a beautiful natural setting in northern Germany.

About the Event

It is with the greatest delight, that we can share that 2025 will mark the beginning of our Keepers of the Light Master Program, which is an animated title for the long-in-the-making ‘Facilitator Training Course’.

We can already share some essentials for you here.

There will be three levels :

•⁠ ⁠The 1st level of the program will be this overall Introductory 7-day Immersion led by Vamadeva – besides our signature meditations, Vamadeva will introduce the participants to the purpose, and to the ins and outs of the whole 3-level program, so that participants can decide to go on to the program’s second level. This 1st level is open to everyone who has completed an earlier Immersion with Igor Kufayev.

•⁠ ⁠The 2nd level (early 2026) will be the ‘ground level’ stage, culminating in an accreditation around the capacity and ability to ‘hold space’ – in any type of group work in general, not just in our work in Flowing Wakefulness.

There will be two strong themes in the overall program: Experience & Knowledge. In addition to the experiential aspect in the immersions and in our meditation time together, there will also be course material, required to study before coming to an immersion as of the 2nd level.

•⁠ ⁠The 3rd and culminating level (late 2026) will be a more advanced-level stage, which will be designed around being able to initiate people in this Work and will require a deeper and longer commitment to the work we do in Flowing Wakefulness.

Again there will be a strong emphasis on Experience & Knowledge. The Experience phase comes during our group meditations and overall in the immersions itself. There will also be course material to master. The participant in this phase will be required to study existing and new courses before coming to an immersion.

The total three-level program will minimally include four live immersions, each one week long, and there will be extra hours working online in discussion groups and Q&As with Vamadeva. The duration of the complete program begins in the Summer/Fall in 2025 and the intention is to finish the first edition of this Keepers of the Light Master Program in the last months of 2026.

The total program will be fully fleshed out by the time we gather in June in Germany.

We are still finalising the details of the event. If you pre-register here, you will receive all relevant information by email.

Transport to the Venue

Hamburg is the nearest airport from where one can travel to the venue by rail.

Pre-register here

The number of available spots is limited. Get priority access to all details of this event as soon as these are confirmed.


“I feel a strong concentration, like a condensation inside me, where everything feels like it is coming together in the right place. Looking back, it is as if everything has brought me to this exact point. As if my whole life has been magnetically drawn to this moment of the immersion, to now stand in this flowing current of the heart’s trust. I feel very much carried by this deep trust and the whole field we share together, as well as by the courage to give myself completely to this stream.”

— Immersion Participant, June 2022